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Law of Attraction is the force of Love !

Greatest teachers in the world, currently, from Bob Proctor to Lisa Nichols are all using the Secret.

Greatest teachers in the past, from Plato to William Shakespeare all used the Secret.

The Secret has been referenced in all the scriptures in the world.

The Secret has been used by greatest nations ever present like the Babylonians.


What is the Secret?!

I will tell you that the Secret is the Law of Attraction.


What is Law of Attraction?

I will tell you that the law of Attraction is love.


What is love? I will tell you that Love is more than just 'loving your mum'-it is a real as the force of Gravity.


Let me elaborate.

We all work with one power. It doesn't matter where on planet Earth we are on, the same laws of nature apply to us. Gravity, Charles Law, Compton effect, Einstein's Field equation, Hall effect, Ideal Gas law- you name it! They apply to all of us. All these laws are impartial to wether a person is 'good' or 'bad', they apply to us none the less. Similarly, there is a law called the Law of Attraction or in other words Law of Love, which is impartial to us; impartial to our thoughts.

If I told you that everything that enters our lives, we attract to ourselves through our thinking-what would you say? What if I told you that the force that is constantly working in out life to do this is called Law of Attraction-what would you say? What if I told you that Law of Attraction is basically the force of Love-What would you say?

Still confused?

Lets get to the nitty gritty of the Law of Attraction (LOA).

Life is simple. It is either made up of positive things or negative things. Every aspect in your life is either positive or negative. You either have health or lack health. You either have money or lack money. You either have good relationships or have hardships in relationships. You either have exciting job or a dissatisfying job. You are either filled with happiness or you don't feel good majority of the time. If you are looking at your life right now and any aspect of your life is negative than something is wrong. You may look at another person and wonder what did they do to get that dream car that you want. And I can tell you what they did. They used the Law of Attraction-they used Love, to bring that dream car to themselves. How? Through their thoughts.

Lets look at the concept of Love together. Love is more than just 'loving your family'. It is not just a feeling, it is a force. It is the cause of everything positive in the world. Without love, there is no life. If there was no love, you wouldn't be born. If there was no love, there wouldn't be any human discovery, invention because all the discoveries and inventions came from love- Love and compassion to find answers. If it wasn't the love of the Wright brothers, there would be no aeroplanes. Without the love of architects, builders, there will be no home, buildings, cities. There would be no schools, education, books, this laptop I am typing on, no opinions and no music because all these things were created from the positive force of love. Love moves us. everything that we want to do is out of love. if there was no love, we wouldn't want to get up in the morning, watch favourite television shows, cook, play, dance, listen to music or whatever we love to do. We would just be a breathing statue.

Love can increase the good things and change all the negative things in your life. You have the power over every area of your life because the force of love is inside us. We were created out of Love. It is our essence.

So the next question?

If I am made up of love and all perfection and the magnificent things I want is my birthright, then why isn't my life perfect? Why aren't I filled with joy everyday?

The answer is because we have a choice. The choice is to wether love or not to love. Every moment of our lives we are making this choice. every time something positive has come into your life, its because you felt love and harnessed the positive force of love. Love is the cause of all the good things in our lives and the lack os love is the cause of all the negative things in our lives.

For us to use the force of Love, The force of Attraction to our advantage completely, we must first understand how it works.

In the next post I will be discussing some of the ways with analogies to help us understand how love works.

Until then, I am ending lots of love, happiness and joy your way.


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